PolyGenesis is an open source platform for Cross-Language Automated Code Generation, focused on DDD and UI.
1. Introduction
In the modern era, user expectations from an application are significantly higher no more than a few years ago. This fact reflects also the stiff competition of organizations in both local and global markets, virtually in every domain. Today, business applications should be able to adapt fast. They should be user-friendly and well tested. Source code should be qualitative and consistent. Integration to frameworks and external systems should be easily interchangeable and not cumbersome or even prohibitive. New developers joining a team should not be facing high learning curves in the source code.
Not all businesses are there yet, for a variety of reasons. In some teams, each developer follows his/her own coding style due to the lack of constraint mechanisms. There is not always enough time for adequate testing, as the time-to-market is more important to the business. A lot - if not most of the - time is spent on implementing the various layers with repetitive work and less time is spent on the domain model.
PolyGenesis is a novel approach to automatic programming, inspired by Domain-Driven Design and following the Trinity Architecture, aiming to solve the above problems. The various layers and technologies are modeled and instantiated with the proper values. Generators use templates combined with the PolyGenesis models to produce consistent and reliable source code.
1.1. 10,000ft View

It all starts with the Things, Functions and Goals definitions. Input is provided via DSL.
The Metamodels model the concept that needs to be generated (i.e. API, REST, Persistence etc.)
Once Goals are defined, the Deducers are in charge of instantiating and populating the Metamodels, based on Things.
The Generators, when fed by the Metamodels, produce source code or any other kind of output.
The whole process is orchestrated by the Craftsman.
2. Getting started
3. Metamodels
The PolyGenesis platform offers several metamodels out of the box:

API Detail
4. Custom Metamodel
If the existing PolyGenesis metamodels do dot cover your needs you can always create your custom metamodels, by following the steps below:
Optionally, create a new module for your metamodel
API Detail